The simple news that nature told 2012, Porzellan, Steingut, Holz, Graphit, projizierter literarischer Text (E. Dickinson)
This is my letter to the World
That never wrote to Me -
The simple News that Nature told -
With tender Majesty
Her Message is committed
To Hands I cannot see -
For love of Her - Sweet - countrymen -
Judge tenderly - of Me
(Emily Dickinson, 1862)
Venuswagen, 2011, Porzellan, Graphit,
Körper 2004, Keramik, Oxidstift, Holz
Körper 2004, Keramik, Siebdruck, Holz
Körper 2004, Keramik, Siebdruck, Holz